I was lead modeler on this show and responsible for a multitude of environment and hard surface assets stretching across the show, and helping manage the team. It was a really fun and challenging show, with a great crew to work with, both on the models side and cross-department.
The show had a combination of augmenting plate shots right up to building entire CG cities. From fun kit-sets of parts that "clicked" together, to epic builds of assets and instances.

Full CG environment and vehicles

Continuous kit-set track and terrain

Epic city build with modelled assets and instancing

One of my favorite shots of the show
Another exciting aspect of the show was working closely with FX to provide demolition-ready assets for some amazing final shots of destruction.

Instanced buildings, internal dressing and lighting

Internal dressing and lighting

Pre and post demo states

FX ready buildings ready for demolition

FX ready buildings ready for demolition

Full comp
All work shown is copyrighted to respective studios and/ or Weta Digital Ltd. Use of this footage is for non-profit and used under 17 USC §107(1) (fair use of copyrighted work) for critique and educational purposes. Demo reel purposes only. If you feel this breaches any copyright please contact me immediately and I can remove. All music is "attribution not required" and royalty-free through https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary.