I became a jack of all trades on this one going back to the roots of hard surface modelling on a number of assets across the show.
Creation of demolition elements for FX for explosions and squib hits on walls and railings. Some midground buildings and radar dishes were made for simple texturing and matte paint projections. Catacombs had some set extension work and various streetscape roads, buildings and skylight were made for interaction with CG character.
All work shown is copyrighted to respective studios and/ or Weta Digital Ltd. Use of this footage is for non-profit and used under 17 USC §107(1) (fair use of copyrighted work) for critique and educational purposes. Demo reel purposes only. If you feel this breaches any copyright please contact me immediately and I can remove. All music is "attribution not required" and royalty-free through https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary.